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This is how holiday rental owners described Tuhelj
At the roundabout in front of the Tuhelj Spa a 3/4 circle should be made and about 3 km after entering the place called Sveti križ you will arrive in Tuhelj. In its center, turn left pass Trgocentar supermarket towards Kumrovec and after 200 meters you will see a yellow
show more sign at the entrance to Pristava. 20 meters pass it turn at a right angle to the left into the court in which left-hand corner is the entrance to the basement (palnica) closed by a metal grid. You should park the car here, since climbing a 300 m long gravel road leading to the house through the orchard by car requires a certain amount of practice.
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show more sign at the entrance to Pristava. 20 meters pass it turn at a right angle to the left into the court in which left-hand corner is the entrance to the basement (palnica) closed by a metal grid. You should park the car here, since climbing a 300 m long gravel road leading to the house through the orchard by car requires a certain amount of practice.
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source: family agricultural holding, prop. Klaužer Sanja
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